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Powered by Gemini Pro

Helping the 🌎
automate forms.

From idea to responses within 10 seconds.

Feature of the day

AI grading ✏️

Save hours. Make the switch to an AI workspace that delivers.

Are you a developer? Try our incredibly simple tooling.

What users are saying

We found crazy patterns
in our data that influenced our

Anonymous user

Account created in 2024

AI Generation

Turn ideas into forms within seconds.

User input is important.

So we made it easy to create forms, get quick feedback, and iterate.

Math 🧮

Create math tests about any topic.

Can you make a quiz for my upcoming limits test?
Here it is!

Question your data ❓

Let AI interpret everything.

It seems that one applicant named John may qualify. He exhibits everything you asked for and more. One of the most interesting parts of his job application was his backstory.
Are any applicants qualified for a job at my company?|

General-purpose forms 📝

Make job applications, surveys, tests, log in pages, and more.

Export 📁

Choose from various different file formats to save your data.

What users are saying

We just made a year's worth
of math tests in 1 minute.

Anonymous user

Account created in 2024

We hate to say it.

But you might be missing out on hours of productive work.

💎 Former. Made with ❤️ by Vlad Usatii.